Thursday, January 27, 2011

Saskatchewan Fun!

This is my sweet Kaida out hunting for Magic Jewels! I stole the idea from a restaurants place mat and froze 5 ice cube trays of water coloured with food colouring. I called them Magic Jewels and we have been hiding and hunting them for days now. Kaida announced more than once that she is really good at this game "aren't I Mommy?' She is actually very good at finding the jewels that I hide throughout the yard, and she actually doesn't peek when I am hiding them.

This is one of the special Jewels!

She called this spot in the tree the really really tricky spot!

Here she is with her pail of Magic Jewels. I do believe this is the cheapest fun we have ever had. I also think they will someday write a song about how you know you are from Saskatchewan when your mom freezes water and tells you hunt for it in the back yard!!
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  1. OMG - love the magic jewels. What a wonderful way to give Kaida such a great experience.

  2. So awesome! Who knew a place mat could be so inspirational?
