Saturday, October 23, 2010

Preserving our Heritage??

I am not sure that I am going to be a very successful blogger.  I have a sister in law who is an amazing blogger and my Mom just started but is doing a great job.  The bar has been set a little high but I will do my best.

I have decided that the idea of NEVER forgetting anything cute my kids say or do is maybe just a tad unrealistic.  Especially since I can't remember most of last week!  So if nothing else I am going to blog about my kids to make my Mom proud and Preserve our Heritage!

My girls and I have just spent a wonderful 24 hour holiday in Regina while Cory was coaching volleyball.  We didn't actually see Cory but we sure enjoyed the hotel room and waterslide.  We clocked in 6 hours of watersliding in total and my legs are feeling it.  Kaida and I go first and Kenzie follows behind I can catch her. 

As we were getting ready for the big swim Kaida was putting on her bikini and Kenzie was climbing into her one piece shorts/sleeved suit.  Kenzie looked curiouly at me and asked "why does Kaida have boobie protectors?"  Cute thing #1.


  1. I am so proud of you! Good Job.

  2. I am also so proud of you. Those girls of yours are just too cute to not share with all of us. I think you and Cory also have a ton of great parenting tips for us new Moms and Dads.
    I am off to get my boobie protectors on!
